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Deutschland, Bayern, Producte On Flowvella

We hope you’ll take a good long look at our mountain of marvellous products and discover exactly what you came for. We’ve got great deals for members of FC Bayern Munich. Take a look at our top-sellers and most sought-after items. Find out which products are the most popular and discover the possibilities for yourself. With a carefully curated selection of healthy, environmentally conscious and animal-friendly food, the servings are large, prices are fair. The restaurant keenly promotes locally sourced products, as well as sustainable farming, by forming relationships with local farmers.

Bayern Munich open their Champions League campaign as clear favorites against Benfica in Lisbon on Wednesday, as the Portuguese giants haven't beaten the serial Bundesliga champions in their last six attempts. However, while Bayern fans may expect through the group stage, having drawn Ajax and AEK Athens in addition to Benfica, they go into this one missing three key players due to injury.

Sanches is a product of the Benfica academy and broke through to the club'S first team before arriving in Munich. The Bayern Munich and Germany great scored the final goal on his return to.

Read more: Pressure on Kovac But the Bavarians are coming into the match on the back of three straight league victories in which they've scored nine goals. While Kovac will be coaching his first Champions League game, he is not a total stranger to the competition, with 17 appearances as a player under his belt.

But the pressure is on, as the fans and management are surely expecting nothing but a win in Lisbon and the responsibility will fall squarely on Kovac. As with all of Bayern's recent bosses, the club's Bundesliga dominance means extra weight is placed on Champions League football, Bayern haven't reached the final since winning it in 2013. Read more: Despite the relative status of the two clubs, CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge warned against over-confidence ahead of the match. 'It is important that we start well. We are the favorites but I warn against underestimating this group,' he said.

Bayer facility in Leverkusen Bayer AG (; German: ) is a and company and one of the largest in the world. Headquartered in, where its illuminated corporate logo, the Bayer cross, is a landmark, Bayer's areas of business include human and veterinary pharmaceuticals; consumer healthcare products; agricultural chemicals and biotechnology products; and high-value.

The company is a component of the. Has been CEO since 2016. Founded in in 1863 as a factory, Bayer's first and best-known product was. In 1898 Bayer the name for the drug diacetylmorphine and marketed it as a cough suppressant and non-addictive substitute for until 1910. Bayer also introduced;, the first widely used antibiotic and the subject of the 1939 Nobel Prize in Medicine; the antibiotic Cipro ; and Yaz.

In 1925 Bayer was one of six chemical companies that merged to form, the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical company. The seized IG Farben after, because of its role in the war effort and involvement in, which included using slave labour from concentration camps.

It was split into its six constituent companies in 1951, then split again into three: BASF, Bayer and Hoechst. Bayer played a key role in the in post-war, quickly regaining its position as one of the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical corporations. In 2006 the company acquired, in 2014 it acquired 's consumer business, with brands such as Claritin, Coppertone and Dr. Scholl's, and in 2018 it acquired, a leading producer of genetically engineered crops, for $63 billion. Bayer CropScience develops. Share of Farbenfabriken vorm.

Bayer & Comp in Elberfeld, issued 1 May 1908 Bayer AG was founded as a factory in 1863 in (later part of ), Germany, by and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott, a master dyer. Bayer was responsible for the commercial tasks. And became the company's most important products. The headquarters and most production facilities moved from Barmen to a larger area in in 1866. Friedrich Bayer (1851–1920), son of the company’s founder, was a chemist and joined the company in 1873.

After the death of his father in 1880, the company became a joint-stock company, Farbenfabriken vorm. Bayern & Co, also known as Elberfelder Farbenfabriken. Bayer Heroin bottle (diacetylmorphine), now illegal as an addictive drug, was introduced as a non-addictive substitute for morphine, and trademarked and marketed by Bayer from 1898 to 1910 as a cough suppressant and over-the-counter treatment for other common ailments, including pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Bayer scientists were not the first to make heroin, but the company led the way in commercializing it. Heroin was a Bayer trademark until after World War I. Phenobarbital In 1903 Bayer licensed the patent for the hypnotic drug from its inventors Emil Fischer and Joseph von Mering. It was marketed under the trade name Veronal as a sleep aid beginning in 1904. Systematic investigations of the effect of structural changes on potency and duration of action at Bayer led to the discovery of in 1911 and the discovery of its potent anti-epileptic activity in 1912. Phenobarbital was among the most widely used drugs for the treatment of epilepsy through the 1970s, and as of 2014 it remains on the World Health Organization's list of essential medications. World War I.

Deutschland, Bayern, Producte On Flowvella

Bayer advertisement, 1911 During (1914–1918), Bayer's assets, including the rights to its name and trademarks, were confiscated in the United States, Canada and several other countries. In the United States and Canada, Bayer's assets and trademarks, including the well-known Bayer cross, were acquired by, a predecessor of and were not reclaimed until 1994. In 1916 Bayer scientists discovered, an anti- drug that is still sold by Bayer under the brand name Germanin.

The formula of suramin was kept secret by Bayer for commercial reasons, but it was elucidated and published in 1924 by and his team at the. It is on the. IG Farben merger Research In 1925 Bayer became part of, a German conglomerate formed from the merger of six chemical companies:, (including and Chemische Fabrik Kalle), Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron,. In the 1930s, director of Bayer's Institute of Pathology and Bacteriology, working with chemists Fritz Mietzsch and Joseph Klarer, discovered, the first commercially available antibacterial drug.

The discovery and development of this first drug opened a new era in medicine. Domagk won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939 'for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil'. He was forced by the to relinquish the reward; German citizens had been forbidden from accepting Nobel prizes since the Nobel committee had awarded the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize to a German pacifist,.

World War II and the Holocaust. Further information: and Helge Wehmeier, then CEO of Bayer, offered a public apology in 1995 to for the company's actions during (1939–1945) and., Bayer's parent company, used in factories it built in, most notably in the (known as Auschwitz III), part of the in German-occupied Poland. By 1943 almost half of IG Farben's 330,000-strong workforce consisted of slave labour or conscripts, including 30,000 Auschwitz prisoners.

Helmuth Vetter, an Auschwitz camp physician, SS captain and employee of the Bayer group within IG Farben conducted medical experiments on inmates at Auschwitz and at the. In one study of an anaesthetic, the company paid RM 170 per person for the use of 150 female inmates of Auschwitz. A Bayer employee wrote to, the Auschwitz commandant: 'The transport of 150 women arrived in good condition. However, we were unable to obtain conclusive results because they died during the experiments.

We would kindly request that you send us another group of women to the same number and at the same price.' After the war, the seized IG Farben for 'knowingly and prominently. Building up and maintaining German war potential'. It was split into its six constituent companies in 1951, then split again into three: BASF, Bayer and Hoechst. Bayer was at that point known as Farbenfabriken Bayer; it changed its name to Bayer AG in 1972., an IG Farben director and member who directed operations at the IG Farben plant at Auschwitz, was sentenced in 1948 to seven years for war crimes during the at Nuremberg.

Released in 1950, he was elected chair of Bayer's in 1956 and remained in that position until 1964. Products Overview In 1953 Bayer brought the first neuroleptic onto the German market. In the 1960s Bayer introduced a pregnancy test, that consisted of two pills that contained (as acetate). It detected pregnancy by inducing in women who were not pregnant; the presence or absence of menstrual bleeding was then used to determine whether the user was pregnant. The test became the subject of controversy when it was blamed for, and it was withdrawn from the market in the mid-1970s. Litigation in the 1980s ended inconclusively.

A review of the matter by the in 2014 assessed the studies performed to date and found the evidence for adverse effects to be inconclusive. Bayer has owned since 1978.

In 1978 Bayer purchased and its subsidiaries Miles Canada and, acquiring along with them a variety of product lines including, and vitamins, and Cutter. Along with the purchase of Cutter, Bayer acquired Cutter's business. Factor VIII, a clotting agent used to treat, was produced, at the time, by processing donated blood. In the, people with hemophilia were found to have higher rates of AIDS, and by 1983 the CDC had identified as a source of infection. According to the New York Times, this was 'one of the worst drug-related medical disasters in history'. Companies, including Bayer, developed new ways to treat donated blood with heat to decontaminate it, and these new products were introduced early in 1984.

In 1997 Bayer and the other three makers of such blood products agreed to pay $660 million to settle cases on behalf of more than 6,000 hemophiliacs infected in United States. But in 2003 documents emerged showing that Cutter had continued to sell unheated blood products in markets outside the US until 1985, including in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan and Argentina, to offload a product they were unable to sell in Europe and the US; they also continued manufacturing the unheated product for several months.

Bayer said it did this because some countries were doubtful about the efficacy of the new product. Bayer has been involved in other controversies regarding its drug products. In the late 1990s it introduced a drug, Baycol , but after 52 deaths were attributed to it, Bayer discontinued it in 2001.

The side effect was, causing, which occurred with a tenfold greater frequency in patients treated with Baycol in comparison to those prescribed alternate medications of the statin class. Trasylol , used to control bleeding during major surgery, was withdrawn from the market worldwide in 2007 when reports of increased mortality emerged; it was later re-introduced in Europe but not in the US. Top-selling pharmaceutical products In 2014 pharmaceutical products contributed €12.05 billion of Bayer's €40.15 billion in gross revenue.

Top-selling products included:. Kogenate.

Kogenate is a recombinant version of clotting factor VIII, the absence of deficiency of which causes the abnormal bleeding associated with. Kogenate is one of several commercially available Factor VIII products having equivalent efficacy.

Xarelto is a small molecule inhibitor of, a key enzyme involved in. In the United States, the FDA has approved rivaroxaban for the prevention of stroke in people with, for the treatment of and, and for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis in people undergoing hip surgery. Rivaroxaban competes with other newer generation anticoagulants such as and as well as with the generic anticoagulant warfarin. It has similar efficacy to warfarin and is associated with a lower risk of intracranial bleeding, but unlike warfarin there is no established protocol for rapidly reversing its effects in the event of uncontrolled bleeding or the need for emergency surgery. Betaseron is an injectable form of the protein used to prevent relapses in the relapsing remitting form of.

Betaseron competes with other injectable forms of interferon beta, and a variety of newer multiple sclerosis drugs, some of which can be taken orally (, others). Yasmin / Yaz birth control pills are part of a group of birth control pill products based on the. Yaz is approved in the United States for the prevention of pregnancy, to treat symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder in women who choose an oral contraceptive for contraception, and to treat moderate acne in women at least 14 years of age who choose an oral contraceptive for contraception. The FDA conducted a safety review regarding the potential of Yaz and other drospirenone-containing products to increase the risk of blood clots; Yaz and Yasmin were associated with the deaths of 23 women in Canada, leading to issue a warning in 2011.

Although conflicting results were obtained in different studies, the FDA added a warning to the label in 2012 that Yaz and related products may be associated with an increased risk of clotting relative to other birth control pill products. Subsequently, a meta analysis suggested that birth control pills of the class Yasmin belongs to raise the risk of blood clots to a greater extent than some other classes of birth control pills. Nexavar is a kinase inhibitor used in the treatment of liver cancer , kidney cancer , and certain types of. Trasylol Trasylol is a trypsin inhibitor used to control bleeding during major surgery.

In a 2006 meeting called by the FDA to review the drug's safety, Bayer scientists failed to reveal the results of an ongoing large study suggesting that Trasylol may increase the risks of death and stroke. According to a FDA official who preferred to remain anonymous, the FDA learned of the study only through information provided to the FDA by a whistleblowing scientist who was involved in it.

The study concluded Trasylol carried greater risks of death, serious kidney damage, congestive heart failure and strokes. On 15 December of the same year the FDA restricted the use of Trasylol, and in November 2007 they requested that the company suspend marketing. In 2011, Health Canada lifted its suspension of Trasylol for its originally approved indication of limiting bleeding in coronary bypass surgery, citing flaws in the design of the studies that led to its suspension. This decision was controversial.

In 2013 the European Medicines Agency lifted its suspension of the Trasylol marketing authorization for selected patients undergoing cardiac bypass surgery, citing a favorable risk-benefit ratio. Cipro Ciprofloxacin was approved by the (FDA) in 1987. Ciprofloxacin is the most widely used of the second-generation quinolone antibiotics that came into clinical use in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In 2010, over 20 million outpatient prescriptions were written for ciprofloxacin, making it the 35th-most commonly prescribed drug, and the 5th-most commonly prescribed antibacterial, in the US. Rennie tablets, one of the biggest selling branded over-the-counter medications sold in Great Britain, with sales of £29.8 million.

Agricultural Bayer produces various fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and some crop varieties. Fungicides are primarily marketed for, fresh produce, fungal with bacteria-based pesticides, and control of and diseases. Nativo products are a mixture of trifloxystrobin. XPro products are a mix of bixafen and prothioconazole, while Luna contains.

Herbicides are marketed primarily for field crops and orchards. Liberty brands containing are used for general weed control. Capreno containing a mixture of and is used for grass and broad-leaf control.

Insecticides are marketed according to specific crop and insect pest type. Foliar insecticides include Belt containing flubendiamide, which is marketed against pests, and Movento containing spirotetramat, which is marketed against. Such as and are used as systemic seed treatments products such as Poncho and Gaucho. In 2008 neonicotinoids came under increasing scrutiny over their environmental impacts starting in Germany. Neonicotinoid use has been linked in a range of studies to adverse ecological effects, including (CCD) and loss of birds due to a reduction in insect populations.

In 2013, the European Union and a few non EU countries restricted the use of certain neonicotinoids. Was discovered by scientists at IG Farben in the 1940s as an insecticide.

Its use is banned in most developed countries. Is a insecticide that was introduced by Bayer in 1959. Acquisitions. Bayer factory in Leverkusen, Germany, 2009 Overview In 1994 Bayer AG purchased Sterling Winthrop's (OTC) drug business from and merged it with Miles Laboratories, thereby reclaiming the U.S. And Canadian trademark rights to 'Bayer' and the Bayer cross, as well as the ownership of the Aspirin trademark in Canada.

In 2004 acquired the over-the-counter Pharmaceutical Division of. In March 2008 Bayer HealthCare announced an agreement to acquire the portfolio and OTC division of privately owned, a US-based company that markets OTC medications in most of the countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, and others. On 28 August 2008 an explosion occurred at the Bayer CropScience facility at,. A runaway reaction ruptured a tank and the resulting explosion killed two employees. The ruptured tank was close to a tank which was undamaged by the explosion. Acquisition of Schering In March 2006 announced a €14.6bn bid for, founded in 1851. By 2006 Schering had annual gross revenue of around €5 billion and employed about 26,000 people in 140 subsidiaries worldwide.

Bayer responded with a bid and in July acquired the majority of shares of Schering for €14.6bn, and in 2007 Bayer took over Schering AG and formed Bayer Schering Pharma. The acquisition of Schering was the largest take-over in Bayer's history, and as of 2015 was one of the ten biggest pharma mergers of all time. Other acquisitions In November 2010 Bayer AG signed an agreement to buy Auckland-based animal health company. Bayer partnered on the development of the with Algeta, and in 2014 moved to acquire the company for about $2.9 billion. In 2014 Bayer agreed to buy Merck's consumer health business for $14.2 billion which would provide Bayer control with brands such as Claritin, Coppertone and Dr.

Bayer would attain second place globally in nonprescription drugs. In June 2015 Bayer agreed to sell its care business to Healthcare Holdings for a fee of $1.02 billion. Spin off of Covestro In September 2015 Bayer spun out its $12.3 billion materials science division into a separate, publicly traded company called in which it retained about a 70% interest.

Bayer spun out the division because it had relatively low profit margins compared to its life science divisions (10.2%, compared with 24.9% for the agriculture business and 27.5% for healthcare) and because the business required high levels of investment to maintain its growth, and to more clearly focus its efforts and identity in the life sciences. Covestro shares were first offered on the in October 2015. Effective January 2016 following the spinout of Covestro, Bayer rebranded itself as a life sciences company, and restructured into three divisions and one business unit: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health, Crop Science, and Animal Health. Acquisition of Monsanto In May 2016 Bayer offered to buy U.S. Seeds company for $62 billion. Shortly after Bayer's offer, Monsanto rejected the acquisition bid, seeking a higher price. In September 2016 Monsanto agreed to a $66 billion offer by Bayer.

In order to receive regulatory approval, Bayer agreed to divest a significant amount of its current agricultural assets to in a series of deals. On 21 March 2018 the deal was approved by the European Union, and it was approved in the United States on 20 May 2018.

The sale closed on 7 June 2018. The Monsanto brand was discontinued; its products will be marketed under the Bayer name. In August 2018, two months after acquiring Monsanto, a U.S.

Jury ordered Monsanto to pay $289 million to a school groundskeeper who claimed his was caused by regularly using, a -based herbicide produced by Monsanto. Following the verdict Bayer's share price dropped by around 14% or $14 Billion. The company filed an appeal on 18 September 2018.

It faces 8,700 similar lawsuits alleging Roundup caused cancer. The general consensus among national regulatory agencies, the, and the is that labeled usage of the herbicide poses no carcinogenic or genotoxic risk to humans.

Acquisition history The following is an illustration of the company's major mergers, acquisitions and historical predecessors. Headquarters of Bayer Pharmaceuticals in The Pharmaceuticals Division focuses on prescription products, especially for women’s healthcare and, and also on specialty therapeutics in the areas of,.

The division also comprises the Radiology Business Unit which markets contrast-enhanced diagnostic imaging equipment together with the necessary contrast agents. In addition to internal R&D, Bayer has participated in. One example in the area of safety assessment is the InnoMed PredTox program. Another is the of and the. Bayer Animal Health Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is the maker of Advantage Multi (imidacloprid + ) Topical Solution for dogs and cats, Advantage flea control for cats and dogs and, a flea, tick, and mosquito control product for dogs. Advantage Multi, and Advantage are trademarks of Bayer.

The division specializes in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. North American operation for the Animal Health Division are headquartered in Shawnee, Kansas. Bayer Animal Health is a division of Bayer HealthCare LLC. Bayer Business Services Bayer Business Services located at the Bayer USA Headquarters in, a suburb of, Bayer Business Services handles the information technology infrastructure and technical support aspect of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada. This is also the headquarters of the North American Service Desk, the central IT for all of Bayer USA and Bayer Canada. Bayer Business Services also employs 4500 specialists in. Bayer Technology Services is engaged in process development and in process and plant engineering, construction and optimization.

Offers services for the chemical industry, including utility supply, waste management, infrastructure, safety, security, analytics and vocational training and is a joint venture between Bayer and Lanxess. Defunct business units Bayer Chemicals AG (with the exception of H.C. Starck and Wolff Walsrode) was combined with certain components of the polymers segment to form the new company on 1 July 2004; Lanxess was listed on the in early 2005. Bayer HealthCare's Diagnostics Division was acquired by in January 2007. Bayer Diabetes Care managed Bayer's medical devices portfolio. Key products included the blood glucose monitors Contour Next EZ (XT), Contour, Contour USB and Breeze 2 used in the management of diabetes. The diabetes business unit was sold to for $1.15 billion in June 2015.

Bayer MaterialScience was a supplier of high-tech polymers, and developed solutions for a broad range of applications relevant to everyday life. On 18 September 2014, the Board of Directors of Bayer AG announced plans to float the Bayer MaterialScience business on the stock market as a separate entity. On 1 June 2015 Bayer announced that the new company would be named; Bayer formally spun out Covestro in September 2015.

Finances For the fiscal year 2017, Bayer reported earnings of EUR€7.3 billion, with an annual revenue of EUR€35 billion, a decrease of 25.1% over the previous fiscal cycle. Bayer's shares traded at over €69 per share, and its market capitalization was valued at US€65.4 billion in November 2018. Year Revenue in bn. EUR€ Net income in bn. EUR€ Total Assets in bn. EUR€ Employees 2013 40.157 3.189 51.317 112,360 2014 42.239 3.426 70.234 118,888 2015 46.324 4.110 73.917 116,800 2016 46.769 4.531 82.238 115,200 2017 35.015 7.336 75.087 99,820 Bayer 04 Leverkusen.

Deutschland bayern products on flowvella

Main article: In 1904, the company founded the sports club TuS 04 ('Turn- und Spielverein der Farbenfabriken vorm. ), later SV Bayer 04 ('Sportvereinigung Bayer 04 Leverkusen'), finally becoming ('Turn- und Sportverein') in 1984, generally, however, known simply as.

The club is best known for its football team, but has been involved in many other sports, including athletics, fencing, team handball, volleyball, boxing, and basketball. TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen is one of the largest sports clubs in Germany. The company also supports similar clubs at other company sites, including Dormagen (particularly handball), Wuppertal (particularly volleyball), and Krefeld-Uerdingen (featuring another former Bundesliga football club, SC Bayer 05 Uerdingen, now ). Awards and recognition In October 2008 Bayer's Canadian division was named one of ' by Mediacorp Canada Inc. The Canadian division was named one of by the Toronto Star newspaper.

Bayer USA was given a score of 85 (out of 100) in the 's 2011, a measure of gay and lesbian workplace equality. In 2016 gave a rating to Bayer in order to include the company in its Standard Ethics German Index. Bayer received an EE- rating, the fourth tier in an eight-tier ranking. See also. References Notes. ^ Peter Hayes (Cambridge University Press, 2001): 'One of the first acts of the American occupation authorities in 1945 was to seize the enterprise as punishment for 'knowingly and prominently. Building up and maintaining German war potential'.

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